From Private for Students
Studierendenwerk Mannheim is aware that affordable housing is in short supply, especially in university towns. We therefore utilize all available options to ensure that we can offer affordable housing for students in the university region of Mannheim. We currently have three new housing complexes in the planning stage to further expand our existing facilities. When looking for a room, we recommend that you first apply for one of the rooms in our student residences. From experience, however, there are far fewer vacancies at the start of the semester than applications received, so the Studierendenwerk also offers an online private accommodation service as an alternative for finding a room. Here, rooms, apartments and other accommodation from the free housing market are offered to all students free of charge.

You are a student looking for an accommodation?
Then take a look at the Private Accommodations List for suitable housing.
You would like to rent out an accommodation to a student?
We are glad to hear it! Please fill out the online form and send it to us.
Below we have compiled some information on how it works.
How it works:
- Please fill out the necessary information about your accommodation that you wish to rent out using the online form which can be found at (alternatively also by mail, fax oder e-mail). Be aware of the Terms and Conditions (available only in German) for the Online Private Accommodations Service.
- After we check the details of the listing, we will activate it and your information will be available for three months on our website at so students can contact you directly. If you do not wish for your contact information to be shared, then unfortunately you cannot use the service.
- For those interested in your accommodation, they should be able to contact you directly. The negotiation of further arrangements is up to you.
- Please inform us as soon as the accommodation has been rented – ideally by e-mail:
You are welcome to also come into the Infothek, or contact us by phone, fax or by mail at:
Studierendenwerk Mannheim, Postfach 10 30 37, 68030 Mannheim, Telephone: 0621 49072-531
Fax: 0621 49072-899 - Based on experience, we would like to point out that student demand is highest for reasonably priced and quiet housing in central inner-city locations. Housing of below average quality and/or outside of Mannheim are unfortunately not in great demand.
How to move safely in the private housing market:
- Beware of unrealistically low rents.
- Under no circumstances should you make an advance payment – neither in cash nor by bank transfer. By the way, a common scam is also that the apartment key is to be sent against a security deposit.
Please do not get involved in such a scam! - Do not sign a rental contract until you have inspected the apartment.
If the landlord does not want to arrange a visitation date or states that they are
currently abroad – hands off! - Always seek direct contact with the landlord. It is best to call before the handover of the apartment again on the phone. Caution might be advised if the e-mail communication is in bad German or completely in English.
- The rental agreement should be made in writing in all cases. Ideally take a person you trust with you for support.
- If you have doubts, research similar facts, names, telephone numbers or key terms, for example at: - In case of suspicion, please contact the Studierendenwerk
Mannheim as the operator of the Private Accommodation Service. - Never give copies of your ID, personal data or even your bank details to unknown persons. Otherwise, your data could be misused for further offenses.
- Private Wohnalternativen (PDF)